UAB Metalistas LT - Eternia Solar

UAB Metalistas LT

UAB Metalistas LT
200 kW
6 months.

Metalistas LT electricity consumption is distributed over two inputs, therefore, the generation of the PV system was also allocated to two areas. The PV power plant was constructed on three separate buildings. Together with the solar power plant, a smart input scanning solution has been installed, thanks to which the instantaneous power consumption and the capacity of the solar power plant can be seen through the solar power plant monitoring program. This allows the power plant owner to maximize the benefits of the solar power plant, i.e. plan production, and perform more detailed analyzes.


200 kW

UAB Granex

Like most new production or storage buildings, the company has a limited allowable load on the roof surface. Therefore, after evaluating the roof construction of each building, ...
80.52 kW

UAB Jonavos šilumos tinklai

The 80.52 kW solar power plant will help the customer cover the current electricity consumption. The provided equipment guarantee will ensure that the power plant will operate e...
600 kW

UAB Umega

UAB Umega saulės elektrinės su aerocompact sistemomis
20 kW

Kupiškio Obelėlės darželis

Work in the nursery was carried out during quarantine. Implementation was delayed due to the supply of materials, which was hampered by the current market situation and the cons...
260 kW

UAB Litana ir Ko

UAB Litana ir Ko saulės elektrinė was designed by splitting the electricity transmission across two on-site power connectors. The power output directed to one of the power conne...
99.99 kW

Mykolo Marcinkevičiaus ligoninė

On the roof of Mykolas Marcinkevičius Hospital, in the historical territory of Vilnius and the visual protection zone of Vilnius Old Town, we installed a 99.99 kW solar power pl...
Mykolo Marcinkevičiaus ligoninės stogas su saulės elektrinėmis
150 kW

UAB Metalika LT

Metalika LT solar power plant will cover almost all yearly energy expenses of the company and will significally help save money. Eternia Solar paid extra attention to the safety...
150kW saulės elektrinių projektas UAB Metalika LT
400 kW

Plastiksė, UAB

Saulės elektrinė ant stogo įsirengusi įmonė Plastiksė, UAB
500 kW

UAB Glass LT

Glass LT consumes a large amount of electricity during the production process. Therefore, planning a long-term sustainability strategy, the company used the EU support program "...
Sutech saulės modulių projektas UAB Glass LT
500 kW

UAB Vilniaus pakuotė

UAB Vilniaus Pakuotė applies high ecological standards to its operations, so the decision to install a solar power plant was made to contribute to implementing its long-term sus...
Eternia solar saulės elektrinės ant stogo
876 kW

UAB Polivektris

Polivekris project posed a challenge of fitting the planned capacity of the PV system on the roof after an expertise that proved it unsuitable for the calculated loads. The comp...
Polivektris elektrownia słoneczna
800 kW


800kW galios saulės elektrinės projektas
60 kW

UAB Specprojektas

The 60 kW solar power plant installed on the roofs of the company's buildings will maximally satisfy the company's electricity needs. After a careful examination of the building...
Saulės elektrinių išdėstymas ant nedidelio stogo
11.7 kW

UAB MTLT valdymas (Aibė)

The solar power plant was installed on one of the buildings of the supermarket chain Aibė. Due to the store’s location within the visual protection zone of Vilnius Olde Town, th...
11.7kW galia skirtas saulės elektrinės
1.389 MW

UAB Retal Lithuania

UAB Retal Lithuania strives to minimize the negative impact on the environment and invests in sustainable solutions in their production processes. This is what determined the co...
1000 kW

UAB Stronglasas

Constructing a solar power plant on a vaulted roof is a complicated, expensive, and a technologically demanding project. Eternia Solar managed to gather experts in different sol...
250 kW

UAB Lyra Group

This power plant was implemented in two phases in duration of over one year. The second phase of the power plant was planned on a production building that was under construction...
Eternia solar paruoštas projektas 200kW galios
1.19 MW

Saulės Bendruomenė, LT

The solar park began generating electricity in the summer of 2023. Implemented on a 1.72-hectare site in the Dumpiai village of the Klaipėda district municipality, the clean sol...
220 kW

UAB Biofabrikas

220kW galios saulės elektrinių projektas
1.3 MW

Sakuona, UAB

3209 units of Risen modules and 13 units of Sungrow inverters are installed in the 1.3 MW project. The largest production company of curved glued plywood in Lithuania and one of...
Įrengta saulės elektrinė ant stogo UAB, Sakuona
5 MW


EIKA, UAB saulės parkas. Rangą atliko Eternia Solar LT, UAB
50 kW

Klaipėdos Verdenės pradinė mokykla

The layout of the 50 kW solar power plant modules has been prepared with extreme care and after calculating all possible snow and wind loads. The building is for public use, so ...
400 kW

Ormina, UAB

A 400 kW solar power plant was installed on a non-standard roof, significantly contributing to the client's sustainability and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by as much as 15...
1000 kW

Saulės Bendruomenė LT, UAB

The solar park VIEVIS, located in the Alesninkai village, provides electricity to nearly 200 households and small businesses. The park is fitted with 1818 solar modules from the...
Saulės parkas Vievyje
120 kW

UAB Ignetas

Two aspects determined UAB Ignetas‘ decision to install a solar power plant. First, the company operates internationally, and its customers particularly value the company’s sust...
1000 kW

AB Klaipėdos baldai

While working on this project, Eternia Solar put a lot of effort into distributing the 1000 kW capacity of the power plant to the areas where the demand for electricity is highe...
Saulės elektrinės ant AB Klaipėdos baldų stogo
250 kW

UAB LT Technologies

The successful and timely implementation of the project was not hampered by the country-wide quarantine of the COVID-19 pandemic. Focused team of professionals, maximum efforts,...
Eternia solar paruoštas projektas saulės energijai ant stogo
200 kW

UAB Metalistas LT

Metalistas LT electricity consumption is distributed over two inputs, therefore, the generation of the PV system was also allocated to two areas. The PV power plant was construc...
Eternia solar saulės elektrinės per du įvadus
13.68 kW

UAB N Technologijos (Paysera)

This PV system was installed on the roof of a modern building in Vilnius. Following an engineering analysis, the solar panel array was arranged at the most efficient angle, and ...
Eternia pasirūpino, jog būtų išnaudota vieta, kad tilptų kuo daugiau modulių
700 kW

UAB Akvatera LT

Suntech saulės modulių elektrinės ant žemės
300 kW

UAB Orion Global Pet (Indorama)

The 300 kW power plant is distributed over 6 buildings. Three different mounting systems were used: mounting on a pitched roof, mounting on a flat bitumen roof with East / West ...
16.7 kW

Žygaičių gimnazija

Tauragė district is one of the first in Lithuania to start the intensive implementation of renewable energy solutions. The gymnasium in Žygaičiai also did not miss the opportuni...
Saulės elektrinės ant Žygaičių gimnazijos stogo
560 kW

UAB FinnFoam

On a flat and new roof with little shading, the solar power plant is designed to produce the maximum amount of electricity. As with each of our projects, particular attention is...
UAB FinnFoam saulės elektrinės ant stogo
20 kW

Kupiškio Saulutės darželis

Bisol saulės moduliai naudojami ant darželio stogo
1.03 MW

UAB Šilalės mediena

Šilalės Mediena became owners of aground-mounted over 1 MW solar power plant. To connect the PV system to the grid more than 23 km of cables were used. The construction was held...
300 kW

UAB Medarvitas

The 300 kW solar module array installed on the Medarvitas site will meet 100% of its electricity needs. In order to maximize the efficiency of the solar power plant, Suntech Bif...
UAB Medarvitas 300kW galios projektas
50 kW

Klaipėdos Ąžuoliuko darželis

The implementation of this project required a detailed engineering analysis of the building structure. The analysis included calculations and estimates of possible added wind an...
Klaipėdos Ąžuoliuko darželis su saulės elektrinėmis
500 kW

Humana LT, UAB

Humana LT is a socially responsible company operating worldwide. Therefore reducing CO2 emissions is one of the goals of the company's long-term strategy. The 500 kW solar power...
Suntech saulės modulių elektrinės ant Humana LT stogo
50 kW

Pasvalys Riešutas school

50kW saulės elektrinės ant Pasvalio
660 kW

UAB Multimeda

The 660 kW power plant is distributed on 6 buildings. Three different mounting systems were used - mounting on a sloping tin roof, mounting on a flat bituminous roof with a sout...
Eternia solar orientuotas saulės elektrinių projektas
100 kW

UAB Lietmeta

The design of UAB Lietmeta solar power plant was based on the company’s energy consumption needs and the requirement that the PV system operates efficiently for at least 25 year...
Eternia solar įvykdytas saulės elektrinių projektas
120 kW

UAB Bioenergy LT

As the roof of the company's building was already in use for other installations, deploying standard equipment would have been relatively difficult and less efficient. As a resu...
Eternia solar skirtas projektas Bioenergy LT
70 kW

UAB Laivys

UAB Laivys solar power plant is designed to ensure that excess electricity supply to the grid is kept to a minimum. During the preparation of the project, a three-dimensional mo...
Eternia solar saulės elektrinės nuotrauka iš drono
100 kW

AB Klaipėdos energija

This object is strategically important for the whole city of Klaipeda; therefore, the 100kW power plant is installed in compliance with the highest design standards and taking i...
AB Klaipėdos energija saulės elektrinės
3.4 MW

Ignitis, UAB

Ignitis, UAB saulės parkas. Rangą atliko Eternia Solar LT, UAB